Author: Kowalczyk, J.T.
Paper Title Page
MO4BCO04 Improving Control System Software Deployment at MAX IV 201
  • B. Bertrand, Á. Freitas, A.F. Joubert
    MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  • J.T. Kowalczyk
    S2Innovation, Kraków, Poland
  The control systems of large research facilities like synchrotrons are composed of many different hardware and software parts. Deploying and maintaining such systems require proper workflows and tools. MAX IV has been using Ansible to manage and deploy its full control system, both software and infrastructure, for many years with great success. We detail further improvements: defining Tango devices as configuration, and automated deployment of specific packages when tagging Gitlab repos. We have now adopted Conda as our primary packaging tool instead of the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM). This allows us to keep up with the rapidly changing Python ecosystem, while at the same time decoupling Operating System upgrades from the control system software. For better management, we have developed a Prometheus-based tool that reports on the installed versions of each package on each machine. This paper will describe our workflow and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of our approach.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-MO4BCO04  
About • Received ※ 06 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 13 October 2023 — Issued ※ 26 October 2023  
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Integrated Controls Alarms Managemet Solution  
  • P.P. Goryl, M. Gandor, J.T. Kowalczyk, Ł. Żytniak
    S2Innovation, Kraków, Poland
  Whereas both EPICS and Tango Controls and commercial SCADA solutions provide alarming solutions, there is a lack of a tool that supports multiple systems simultaneously. At the same time, some facilities use different control software frameworks for accelerators and beamlines. Then, during and after covid pandemic, institutes got used to working remotely. Having a tool, which unifies alarms notifications and handling will simplify facilities’ operation. The S2Innovation’s web-based solution, which at first supports only Tango Control’s system has been adopted to support other frameworks, too. Now, it can integrate EPICS record-based alarms, PyAlarm, AlarmHandler (Elettra) and Achtung (MAX-IV). Integration with other systems is also planned. The features, integration models, as well as potential benefits of using such a tool, will be presented.  
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