Author: Mastyna, K.M.
Paper Title Page
TUPDP091 Upgrade of the Process Control System for the Cryogenic Installation of the CERN LHC Atlas Liquid Argon Calorimeter 752
  • C.F. Fluder, C. Fabre, L.G. Goralczyk, M. Pezzetti, A. Zmuda
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • K.M. Mastyna
    AGH, Cracow, Poland
  The ATLAS (LHC de­tec­tor) Liq­uid Argon Calorime­ter is clas­si­fied as a crit­i­cal cryo­genic sys­tem due to its re­quire­ment for un­in­ter­rupted op­er­a­tion. The sys­tem has been in con­tin­u­ous nom­i­nal op­er­a­tion since the start-up of the LHC, op­er­at­ing with very high re­li­a­bil­ity and avail­abil­ity. Over this pe­riod, con­trol sys­tem main­te­nance was fo­cused on the most crit­i­cal hard­ware and soft­ware in­ter­ven­tions, with­out di­rect im­pact on the process con­trol sys­tem. Con­se­quently, after sev­eral years of steady state op­er­a­tion, the process con­trol sys­tem be­came ob­so­lete (reached End of Life), re­quir­ing com­plex sup­port and with­out the pos­si­bil­ity of fur­ther im­prove­ments. This led to a de­tailed re­view to­wards a com­plete up­grade of the PLC hard­ware and process con­trol soft­ware. To en­sure un­in­ter­rupted op­er­a­tion, longer equip­ment life­cy­cle, and fur­ther sys­tem main­tain­abil­ity, the lat­est tech­nol­ogy was cho­sen. This paper pre­sents the method­ol­ogy used for the process con­trol sys­tem up­grade dur­ing de­vel­op­ment and test­ing phases, as well as the ex­pe­ri­ence gained dur­ing de­ploy­ment. It de­tails the ar­chi­tec­ture of the new sys­tem based on a re­dun­dant (Hot Standby) PLC so­lu­tion, the qual­ity as­sur­ance pro­to­col used dur­ing the hard­ware val­i­da­tion and soft­ware test­ing phases, and the de­ploy­ment pro­ce­dure.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TUPDP091  
About • Received ※ 03 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 06 December 2023 — Issued ※ 11 December 2023  
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