Author: Fernandes, B.J.
Paper Title Page
MO4AO06 Overview and Outlook of FPGA Based Hardware Solutions for Data Synchronization, Acquisition and Processing at the Euxfel 233
  • B.J. Fernandes, F. Babies, T. Freyermuth, P. Gessler, I.S. Soekmen, H. Sotoudi Namin
    EuXFEL, Hamburg, Germany
  The European X-Ray Free Electron Laser facility (EuXFEL) provides ultra short coherent X-Ray flashes, spaced by 220 nanoseconds and with a duration of less than 100 femtoseconds, in bursts of up to 2700 pulses every 100ms to several instruments. The facility has been using standardized Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based hardware platforms since the beginning of user operation in 2017. These are used for timing distribution, data processing from large 2D detectors, high speed digitizers for acquisition and processing of pulse signals, monitoring beam characteristics, and low latency communication protocol for pulse data vetoing and Machine Protection System (MPS). Our experience grows in tandem with user requests for more specific and challenging case studies, leading to tailor made hardware algorithms and setups. In some cases, these can be fulfilled with the integration of new hardware, where collaboration with companies for new and/or updated platforms is a key factor, or taking advantage of unused features in current setups. In this overview, we present the FPGA hardware based solutions used to fulfill EuXFEL’s requirements. We also present our efforts in integrating new solutions and possible development directions, including Machine Learning (ML) research, with the aim of bringing more accurate results and configurable setups to user experiments and facilitate communications with other platforms used in the facility, namely Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-MO4AO06  
About • Received ※ 06 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 13 October 2023 — Issued ※ 23 October 2023  
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THPDP021 Equipment Life-Cycle Management at EuXFEL 1346
  • N. Coppola, B.J. Fernandes, P. Gessler, S. Hauf, S.T. Huynh, N. Jardón Bueno, M. Manetti
    EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  Scientific instruments at the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility (EuXFEL) comprises of a large variety of equipment, ranging from controllers, motors and encoders to valves. It is a false assumption that once a specific equipment had been procured and integrated, that no further attention is required. Reality is much more complex and incorporates various stages across the entire equipment life-cycle. This starts from the initial selection, standardization of the equipment, procurement, integration, tracking, spare part management, maintenance, documentation of interventions and repair, replacement and lastly, decommissioning. All aspects of such a life-cycle management are crucial in order to ensure safe and reliable operation across the life time of the equipment, whether it be five years, twenty years, or longer. At EuXFEL, many aspects of the described life-cycle management are already carried out with dedicated tools. However some aspects rely on manual work, which requires significant effort and discipline. This contribution aims to provide an overview of the requirements, and the ongoing efforts to develop and establish a complete life-cycle management at the EuXFEL.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-THPDP021  
About • Received ※ 05 October 2023 — Revised ※ 25 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 13 December 2023 — Issued ※ 17 December 2023
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)