Author: Van der Bij, E.
Paper Title Page
TH2BCO04 SAMbuCa: Sensors Acquisition and Motion Control Framework at CERN 1179
  • A. Masi, O.Ø. Andreassen, M. Arruat, M. Di Castro, R. Ferraro, I. Kozsar, E.W. Matheson, J.P. Palluel, P. Peronnard, J. Serrano, J. Tagg, F. Vaga, E. Van der Bij
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • S. Danzeca, M. Donzé, S.F. Fargier, M. Gulin, E. Soria
    European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland
  Mo­tion con­trol sys­tems at CERN often have chal­leng­ing re­quire­ments, such as high pre­ci­sion in ex­tremely ra­dioac­tive en­vi­ron­ments with mil­lisec­ond syn­chro­niza­tion. These de­mand­ing spec­i­fi­ca­tions are par­tic­u­larly rel­e­vant for Beam In­ter­cept­ing De­vices (BIDs) such as the col­li­ma­tors of the Large Hadron Col­lider (LHC). Con­trol elec­tron­ics must be in­stalled in safe areas, hun­dreds of me­ters away from the sen­sors and ac­tu­a­tors while con­ven­tional in­dus­trial sys­tems only work with cable lengths up to a few tens of me­ters. To ad­dress this, sev­eral years of R&D have been com­mit­ted to de­vel­op­ing a high pre­ci­sion mo­tion con­trol sys­tem. This has re­sulted in spe­cial­ized ra­di­a­tion-hard ac­tu­a­tors, new sen­sors, novel al­go­rithms and ac­tu­a­tor con­trol so­lu­tions ca­pa­ble of op­er­at­ing in this chal­leng­ing en­vi­ron­ment. The cur­rent LHC Col­li­ma­tor in­stal­la­tion is based on off-the-shelf com­po­nents from Na­tional In­stru­ments. Dur­ing the Long Shut­down 3 (LS3 2026-2028), the ex­ist­ing sys­tems will be re­placed by a new high-per­for­mance Sen­sors Ac­qui­si­tion and Mo­tion Con­trol sys­tem (SAM­buCa). SAM­buCa rep­re­sents a com­plete, in-house de­vel­oped, flex­i­ble and mod­u­lar so­lu­tion, able to cope with the de­mand­ing re­quire­ments of mo­tion con­trol at CERN, and in­cor­po­rat­ing the R&D achieve­ments and op­er­a­tional ex­pe­ri­ence of the last 15 years con­trol­ling more than 1200 axes at CERN. In this paper, the hard­ware and soft­ware ar­chi­tec­tures, their build­ing blocks and de­sign are de­scribed in de­tail.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TH2BCO04  
About • Received ※ 05 October 2023 — Revised ※ 12 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 19 December 2023 — Issued ※ 20 December 2023
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