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MO2AO06 |
Neutron From a Distance: Remote Access to Experiments |
95 |
- P. Mutti, F. Cecillon, C. Cocho, A. Elaazzouzi, Y. Le Goc, J. Locatelli, H. Ortiz
ILL, Grenoble, France
Large-scale experimental facilities such as the ILL are designed to accommodate thousands of international visitors each year. Despite the annual influx of visitors, there has always been interest in options that don’t require users to travel to ILL. Remote access to instruments and datasets would unlock scientific opportunities for those less able to travel and contribute to global challenges like pandemics and global warming. Remote access systems can also increase the efficiency of experiments. For measurements that last a long time scientists can check regularly on the progress of the data taking from a distance, adjusting the instrument remotely if needed. Based on the VISA platform, the remote access becomes a cloud-based application which requires only a web browser and an internet connection. NOMAD Remote provides the same experience for users at home as though they were carrying out their experiment at the facility. VISA makes it easy for the experimental team to collaborate by allowing users and instrument scientists to share the same environment in real time. NOMAD Remote, an extension of the ILL instrument control software, enables researchers to take control of all instruments with continued hands-on support from local experts. Developed in-house, NOMAD Remote is a ground-breaking advance in remote access to neutron techniques. It allows full control of the extensive range of experimental environments with the highest security standards for data, and access to the instrument is carefully prioritised and authenticated.
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※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-MO2AO06
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Received ※ 31 October 2023 — Revised ※ 10 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 14 November 2023 — Issued ※ 09 December 2023 |
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FR2AO02 |
A Digital Twin for Neutron Instruments |
1626 |
- S. Nourbakhsh, Y. Le Goc, P. Mutti
ILL, Grenoble, France
Data from virtual experiments are becoming an extremely valuable asset for research infrastructures in a multitude of aspects and different actors: for instrument scientists to develop and optimise current and future instruments; for training external users in the usage of the instrument control system; for scientists in studying, quantifying and reducing instrumental effects on acquired data. Furthermore large sets of simulated data are also a necessary ingredient for the development of surrogate models for faster and more accurate simulation, reduction and analysis of the data. The development of a digital twin of an instrument can answer such different needs with a single unified approach wrapping in a user-friendly envelop the knowledge about the instrument physical description, the specific of the simulation packages and their interaction, and the high performing computing setup. In this article we will present the general architecture of the digital twin prototype developed at the ILL in the framework of the PANOSC European project in close collaboration with other research facilities (ESS and EuXFel). The communication patterns (based on ZQM) and interaction between the control system (NOMAD), simulation software (McStas), instrument description and configuration, process management (CAMEO) will be detailed. The adoption of FAIR principles for data formats and policies in combination with open-source software make it a sustainable project both for development and maintenance in the mid and long-term.
Slides FR2AO02 [1.245 MB]
DOI • |
reference for this paper
※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-FR2AO02
About • |
Received ※ 31 October 2023 — Revised ※ 02 November 2023 — Accepted ※ 05 December 2023 — Issued ※ 07 December 2023 |
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