Author: Maderböck, C.
Paper Title Page
TUPDP002 Replacing Core Components of the Processing and Presentation Tiers of the MedAustron Control System 473
  • A. Höller, L. Adler, M. Eichinger, D. Gostinski, A. Kerschbaum-Gruber, C. Maderböck, M. Plöchl, S. Vörös
    EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt, Austria
  MedAus­tron is a syn­chro­tron-based ion ther­apy and re­search fa­cil­ity in Aus­tria, that has been suc­cess­fully treat­ing can­cer pa­tients since 2016. MedAus­tron acts as a man­u­fac­turer of its own ac­cel­er­a­tor with a strong com­mit­ment to con­tin­u­ous de­vel­op­ment and im­prove­ment for our cus­tomers, our users and our pa­tients. The con­trol sys­tem plays an in­te­gral role in this en­deav­our. The pre­sented pro­ject fo­cuses on re­plac­ing the well-es­tab­lished WinCC OA SCADA sys­tem, en­forc­ing sep­a­ra­tion of con­cerns mainly using .NET and web tech­nolo­gies, along with many up­grades of fea­tures and con­cepts where stake­hold­ers had iden­ti­fied op­por­tu­ni­ties for im­prove­ment dur­ing our years of ex­pe­ri­ence with the for­mer con­trol sys­tem setup for com­mis­sion­ing, op­er­a­tion and main­te­nance, as well as im­prov­ing the user ex­pe­ri­ence. Lever­ag­ing our newly de­vel­oped con­trol sys­tem API, we are cur­rently work­ing on an add-on called "Com­mis­sion­ing Worker". The con­cept fore­sees the func­tion­al­ity for users to cre­ate Python scripts, up­load them to the Com­mis­sion­ing Worker, and ex­e­cute them on de­mand or on a sched­uled basis, mak­ing it easy and highly time-ef­fi­cient to ex­e­cute tasks and in­te­grate with al­ready es­tab­lished Python frame­works for analy­sis and op­ti­miza­tion. This con­tri­bu­tion out­lines the key changes and pro­vides ex­am­ples of how the user ex­pe­ri­ence has been im­proved.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TUPDP002  
About • Received ※ 03 October 2023 — Revised ※ 08 October 2023 — Accepted ※ 13 October 2023 — Issued ※ 25 October 2023
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