Author: Hulme, S.N.
Paper Title Page
Integrating Information for Assessment and Optimising  
  • R.A. Spann
    SARAO, Cape Town, South Africa
  • S.N. Hulme
    SALT, Cape Town, South Africa
  • NJ. Koopman
    Self Employment, Private address, USA
  Data is ubiquitous - creating information and knowledge from that data is time consuming. In the Operations environment the requirement to access information from multiple data sources is critical for decision making across a diverse set of issues - from commissioning to stable operations to engineering upgrades. This has driven the need to access data from disparate data sources in a cohesive and coherent manner. We discuss the motivation for the novel way of packaging data; how this not only solves the integration of data sources, but allows improved traceability for changes as well as cross schema/organisation information exploration and integration; and it provides pre-wrangled data. We present an application and technology independent information structure and the framework for the implementation.  
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