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BiBTeX citation export for TU2AO06: Accelerator Control Class for Graduate Students in SOKENDAI, KEK

  author       = {N. Kamikubota and K. Furukawa and M. Satoh and S. Yamada and N. Yamamoto},
  title        = {{Accelerator Control Class for Graduate Students in SOKENDAI, KEK}},
% booktitle    = {Proc. ICALEPCS'23},
  booktitle    = {Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Accel. Large Exp. Phys. Control Syst. (ICALEPCS'23)},
  eventdate    = {2023-10-09/2023-10-13},
  pages        = {335--337},
  paper        = {TU2AO06},
  language     = {english},
  keywords     = {controls, EPICS, distributed, GUI, factory},
  venue        = {Cape Town, South Africa},
  series       = {International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems},
  number       = {19},
  publisher    = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland},
  month        = {02},
  year         = {2024},
  issn         = {2226-0358},
  isbn         = {978-3-95450-238-7},
  doi          = {10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TU2AO06},
  url          = {https://jacow.org/icalepcs2023/papers/tu2ao06.pdf},
  abstract     = {{The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, known as SOKENDAI, provides educational opportunities for graduate students in collaboration with national research institutions in Japan. KEK is one of the institutes, and has a program "Accelerator Science". Since 2019, we started two classes: lectures "Introduction to accelerator control system" for one semester, and a two-day seminar "Control of distributed devices for large systems". The former consists of 12 lectures on various topics of accelerator controls by teachers, followed by a presentation day by students. The latter consists of lecture and hands-on, which enables students to practice EPICS with Raspberry-pi based devices. In the paper, status of accelerator control classes are reported. }},